Apr 15, 2010

I won! I won!!

what a naked streak of luck i've had lately!! this is the gods of socialism smiling down on broke-ass me, making me feel all special like a new boyfriend would! thanks to all the blogging and crafting women out there (who know how to treat a lady better than most straight guys, i may add) i'm now the proud owner of...

1. some lovely lavender-scented hemp eye pillows by NikkiDesigns - filled with flax seed and lavender flowers, and can easily be heated for 30 seconds in the microwave (it says 15 seconds, but our micro is vintage circa 1998 so its power is considerably flaccid). i got them with my ailing muscled hubby in mind, but he's too busy being sore and in pain and so very manly to bother using them, so i went ahead and improved my own life by heating them up for my crampy royal uterus. these babies stay warm for a good long time, ahhhhh!!! and they smell divine - anyone who loves lavender will get a kick out of these eye pillows! thank you DesignStyleGuide for hosting this giveaway! and check out NikkiDesigns for more fabulous household hempware - very unique craftiness!

2. a gorgeous PinUp pendant by Archipelago Arts - fabulous femmes and vagina warriors eat your hearts out! this is one beautiful piece of chick-respecting art! well made, and with a nice long chain you can cut to your preferred length, though i'm leaving mine long because there's nothing like a pair of fabulous vintage ladies nudged in the cleavage of a pair of fabulously even... er.... ladies... thanks to Ms. Modern blog for hosting this giveaway. and you want to check out Archipelago Arts for more awesome pendants, believe me, you will spend some happy time in that Etsy store!

3. a very soothing Apricot Cybilla Sugar Cube Scrub, and a sweet soap sample as well, from Clean Queen Soap Company. omg, these smell so good i'm at at serious risk of eating myself. or at least making tea out of these... i bet these could even make zombies smell delightful! seriously, can you almost taste these tantalizing sugar cubes through your computer screen right now? note to self: only use externally!! thanks to The Candid Reviewer blog for hosting this fabulous giveaway! be sure to peruse Clean Queen Soap Company for more yummy body treats!