wow!! i just won a giveaway for a fabulous $40 gift certificate for the Etsy store DiningOut - it was kindly hosted by DesignStyleGuide, an excellent blog for making your life infinitely more trendy and fashionable!
i have been drooling at all the items on here, somehow trying to pick out which ones i loved more... the embroidery work is so fantastic, and cute! the pillowcases are adorable, the giraffe ones were my favorite. or the shrimp ones... or the bird in a tree...
well, you can see how hard it was, right? in the end, i picked out a lovely linen towel with a poetic message in pink on it (i want my son to enjoy this one), and some beautiful damask hand towels, and am hoping that they can be custom made to be black and white! they will probably be the most refined items in my house, certainly in my bathroom... wow, slowly but surely i might become a civilized human being. thank you so much for this lovely surprise!
happy happy joy joy!! and happy holidays to everyone 8)