Jan 19, 2010

Donations to Haiti so far: $28.50! thank YOU buyers!

thanks to the kindness of friends and bling lovers, i have sold some sparkly things AND been able to donate $28.50 to the Red Cross Haiti relief fund. below are some of my latest listings on Etsy, to tempt those who are both jewelry admirers and compassionate aid donors.

Jan 15, 2010

my heart breaks with them all - oh Haiti

oh my, my heart breaks so deeply with the news of what's happened in Haiti.how i wish i could take away all the pain, somehow hold people in my heart and  keep them there in a safe womb of peace and quiet, somehow hoping that it will all be ok... how i wish... how i wish i could be in Haiti to help, just to do something, i feel so impotent!! all i can do is create and type (and hope Pat Robertson would just crawl back into Lucifer's pungent orifices like the raging evil hemorrhoid he is), but i have zero money right now. i'm hoping i can donate clothes and food that i DO have, but so far, all organizations are asking for funds.

the only thing i CAN do is that i will send the Red Cross money i make if i sell my jewelry. for EVERY PURCHASE in my store, i will send 50% of what i make to the Red Cross. i would send more, but i have some serious health issues right now and can't even buy the medicines i need to get better.

if i do sell some of the higher priced items, i will try to donate more, however. things are really bad economically with me but nowhere near as bad as Haiti. i don't need it as much as they (just enough to cover my meds!).

i will send any buyers a confirmation to let them know that their money went to a good place (or two - i count too!).

thank you all, and i hope you are all doing well in the new year.